Straight from the Heart
What others are saying about their own
Journey of Faith. . . straight from the heart!

I’m on my 5th time through the Journey, and every time I am amazed at how it encourages and challenges me in my Christian life! I believe it will be a blessing to you as well!
This is a must for all who are looking for nourishment for the soul. I learned so much and enjoyed every moment of each session. It’s easy to understand and will keep you interested until the very end.
It was a life-changing experience for me. I have nothing but positive things to say about the Journey. Larry went above our expectations to make the sessions interesting, practical, and engaging. We had some very difficult questions about the Bible and we feel that Larry helped us find the answers we were searching for. My faith was renewed, and we were blessed to study with him.
Within two weeks after listening to the session, “God’s Wonderful Assurance of Salvation,” I knew for the first time that I really wanted Christ to come into my life. It was through studying this session that my questions about Heaven were answered and I felt a peace come over me that I truly would be in Heaven when I die. This means a lot to me because my health is failing—I am in kidney failure and have to be on dialysis three times each week.
After completing this Journey, I have learned so much about God and the Bible that I would recommend this Journey to anyone.
Since taking A Journey of Faith, I find myself thinking of things more and not rushing through verses and prayer. I feel closer to God. I really liked the session about how to pray, but also found something in each session that stood out to me. Through my Journey, a lot of the questions I’ve had all my life were answered! I loved it and would highly recommend it. You will find the sessions are very interesting. Don’t be intimidated to join in, even if you are new to the Bible. Most of the people in our Journey were beginners, and Larry helped us to understand the sessions by simplifying the Bible and answering our questions.
Larry has done a magnificent job of putting together a series of Discipleship Lessons in A Journey of Faith. Each lesson has had a tremendous impact on me, my family, and those I have had the privilege of ministering with. Each one is Biblically sound, detailed, very well written, and contains more truth than could possibly be absorbed in just one session. Each and every time I have taught these lessons, they have impacted me in ways they never had previously.
I highly recommend the sessions both for new believers who are seeking to be grounded properly, as well as for longtime Christians who are looking to learn and grow. They are tremendous for Sunday School, Small Groups, or even for a Sermon Series from the pulpit. Thank you, Larry, for the labor of love and the many hours put into making these lessons available.
Before we took A Journey of Faith, we had lost our way. We were not reading the Bible and praying as we should have been. We are now studying and praying more, and we feel we are getting closer to the Lord. We really enjoyed the illustration in Session 9 that helped us to understand how to be anointed by the Holy Spirit. We feel that our Journey has helped us to take a better look at ourselves and where we are in our relationship with the Lord. It has definitely been a blessing to us, and we recommend it to anyone who wants to know more about a personal relationship with Jesus.
No matter who you are or what your background is, there is always room to be tempted or backslide; therefore, we all need to constantly work at our own spiritual path to live as Jesus taught us. We felt that we needed something more than just Sunday morning worship. Our Journey of Faith got both of us reading the Bible more often and more in depth again. There were many sessions that stood out, and many that seemed to fit our time, even though the message was written many years ago.
Larry had a way of making the Bible live for us through our Journey. Since completing, I have not missed a day reading the Bible at least once, and usually morning and evening every day. What a steady change. I also feel closer to God and like I can once again “just talk” to God and don’t struggle with what to say or how to say it anymore. We were blessed through this Journey of Faith and recommend it to anyone who wants answers to their questions about God and the Bible.

We strongly recommend A Journey Of Faith. It has answered a lot of our questions about God that have lingered in our hearts for years. This journey has not only strengthened our relationship with Christ but also our personal relationships.
Larry does an amazing job explaining the lessons and backing them up with scripture. We both thoroughly enjoyed this course.
I have been a Christian for many years, but after experiencing A Journey of Faith, I reaffirmed my faith and was baptized. I discovered that this Journey would also be beneficial to someone who has not yet reached that decision of turning their life over to the Lord, or someone who has just become a new Christian.
One of my favorite sessions that I gained the most from was “Is the Bible Relevant for Today?” I learned many things. You must take this class—it is wonderful. The Bible is so important; reading the scriptures each day is how we retain knowledge of God from the beginning of time, and what to expect at the end of time. We must remain teachable, humble and never be ashamed to receive, for that’s where growth can continue to happen and blessings will flow. I learned so much through my Journey and would highly recommend it to everyone.